Hangover Breakfast
Pretty much everyone who knows me knows that I’m really not a heavy drinker. I’m that person who’ll maybe have a cider at the start of a party but that’s about it, and completely forget about clubbing when it comes to me. So it might seem a bit weird that I’ve got a go-to hangover breakfast, but alas there is a reason. I’ve just started Uni (as of yesterday!) so it’s fresher’s week for me and as most of my friends are now uni-based I thought a hangover breakfast might be useful for all you guys who are planning on turning into the walking dead this week. I hope this helps with any upcoming hangovers, but it can’t solve everything so please drink responsibly!
Serves 1
Time: 10 minutes
- 2 Rashers of bacon
- 2 Slices white bread
- 1 Large egg
- 35g Cheddar cheese, grated
- 1/2 Beef tomato
- A handful of salad leaves (I went for baby spinach)
- Put a frying pan over a medium heat and fry the bacon until crispy all over. Take the bacon out of the pan and set to one side for later.
- Next take one of the slices of bread and fry it in the pan with the bacon grease for a couple of minutes until it’s toasted.
- Take a 7cm round cookie cutter (or just cut a hole with a knife) and punch out a circle in the other slice of bread. (You can eat or discard the circle you’ve just cut out).
- Put this slice of bread into the pan and crack the egg into the hole you cut out. Fry for 3-4 minutes, until the egg white has cooked all the way through and is opaque.
- Sprinkle the cheese around the edge of the bread and fry for another 1-2 minutes until the cheese starts to melt.
- Meanwhile slice the beef tomato and arrange it over the bottom slice of bread (the one without the egg on it). Then scatter the salad leaves over the tomato and top with the slices of crispy bacon. Finish by putting the slice of bread with the egg in it on top and enjoy!
Thanks for reading!
Emma x